Counseling & Social Services

Dealing with the treatment of children dealing with domestic conflicts or social issues.

Child and Family Counseling

Counseling is used to treat children with emotional problems or behavioral issues. The focus of counseling is to stimulate the optimum behavioral, emotional and social development of your child. The goal is to resolve problems that affect their personal and family lives and improve the overall well-being of the child. Pediatric Rehab’ counselors are trained to improve the functioning of the whole family and provide your child with the stability to cope with life’s difficulties.

Signs your child may need counseling:

  •  Impatient or bossy with other children
  •  Disruptive in class or may be considered the class clown
  •  Seem to always be too hard on themselves or others
  •  Depressed
  •  Anti-social or combative
  •  Resists daily routines and refuses to help
  •  Too much energy


At Pediatric Rehab, our Counselors are dedicated to improving patients lives. They can work one-on-one with children and families to support those dealing with domestic conflicts or social issues. They help to improve the social and psychological functioning of each child in order to minimize the well-being of the child and their family. Counselors can provide services that are far reaching, supporting patients in areas ranging from disabilities to dysfunctional and challenging home situations.

How Does It Work?

An evaluation will be done by Pediatric Rehab Counselor. The evaluation will require time with the parent/guardian/care giver separate from the child, time with the child and perhaps input from the teacher or physician, if appropriate. Once all of this information is gathered, a plan of care will be developed with the parent/guardian or patient, if appropriate.